Monday, April 20, 2009

        L -> R  Pastor Cha, Pastor Seo, me, Bro. Angel


JD said...

Hey swami !! You are looking very happy in this photo, as always ..

Unknown said...

Hi Swami and Jaydip,

Nice Foto !Good article...
Nice spiritual thoughts to cleanse our mind - from daily random thoughts - related to our work,family and other worldly matters.

We hardly spend any time thinking spiritually -so atleast by reading swami's article we can spend a few minutes for this.

Swaminatha Vijayaraj said...

I discovered in my life, Spiritual life brings joy inside to out side no matter what comes against me on the outside. I tried and tired of doing vein things which does not produce any good fruit(joy)in me.

JD said...

This monk (Swami) is surely going to sold his ferrari.

Swaminatha Vijayaraj said...

ha ha Jaidip thanks for your wishes...........