Sunday, April 19, 2009

Are you believing your thoughts or Word of GOD

     Those Who Believe in God Believe in the Word of God Rather Than Their Own Judgment People do not believe in this Word of God, but in their experiences; their own judgment. That is why they say that they are sinners when they feel like sinners. When it seems that they are weak, they say that they are weak. They say that they are great when it seems that they are great. They live following their own judgment, and do not believe in God. However, people who believe in God believe in the Word of God rather than in their own judgment. No matter how it appears to you, if God says that you are righteous, then believe that you are, and if He tells you to rise, take up your bed, and walk, believe that you will walk. You should believe that the power of God fulfills all things that are impossible with man, having us stand on faith and in holiness.

     Everyone, you cannot say that you are righteous or that you are holy if you are looking at yourself. But if you look to the cross of Jesus, you can believe that He has sanctified dirty and filthy humans like you. Then, you can dwell within the righteousness and holiness of God. And, you will become people of faith who can stand boldly before God.

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